Saturday, June 30, 2007

One of those 'pix worth a 1000 words' schticks...

Not yet from Europe but from the international parade in exotic SeaTac just prior....

update from "Ingle-land" (Lucy's pronunciation)

We're having a good beginning over here...visiting cousins, Marks and Spencers and taking lots of trains!
The weather so far is nothing to write home about! The children jet lagged and fractious! Nana out with her latest affording us a little freedom tonight!
I'll try and make this more exciting soon!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Synchronicities - 1

SO, the last movie watched with kids before they go -- 1 chosen simply cuz previews looked interesting -- was "The Promise", a Chinese supernatural martial arts kind of movie...
BUT near the beginning one character was running reallllly front of (and faster than) a herd of bulls even!!!!
A sure sign!
Course, naturally, I watched the start of "City Slickers" again recently which (almost parodies?) the Pamplona running of the bulls...?! As well as Michael Palin's travelogue tribute to Hemingway which also starts off with him chased by some {pretty fake} bullhorns....

BUT MEANWHILE....only had to get up about 4:45 am to take rest of family to airport for 8:30 flight via Toronto (5 hr. layover -- groan!)...then errands and work till 9, fun!

* 2 cars now in garage with seemingly major repair work too....

BUT GOSH, it's mighty quiet in this big lonely house suddenly....!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Now, Voyager(s)!

Well, here we almost go....!
What's going to happen is: Karen and kids fly off 6/26 reallly early to their Nana in Sussex, and best pal Jane (with new baby twins!) in London, and Granddad in Suffolk...
and then July 2, I join them...for only 3 days and then we fly to France (Montepelier area) for another couple days, then drive to Figueres region of Spain for a splendid week in the land of Salvdor Dali....!
(and somewhere during this time I should further drive to Pamplona for the once-in-a-lifetime running of the bulls! Call it the 'last hurrah' for these knees!)
then back to England, I return home as early as July 17 though they all don't rejoin me till July 31.....

So, red ink all these dates into your permanent calendars and we'll see how many internet cafes we find overseas to keep up this blogarama!
Good day! Au revoir! y hasta luego!