Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Made it!

Now in the rickety pink mansion of Karen´s dad, Maurice (pronounced ¨Morris¨)and his Friesland Dutch wife, Tsitske -- parts of which were built in 1450s...! and so full of the kind of uneven floors, mismatched stairs, hidden attics, eccentric plumbing and ghosts & all that u might expect!
Might chance across the kind of wardrobe that leads to Narnia...?! (and the major city near here in East Anglia/Suffolk is ¨Bury St. Edmunds¨which is not only where the famed Magna Carta was signed but also kinda sounds like a major alternative plot development in the Narnia tales...?!)
Great hosts, rich food, a pond with refurbished dinghy out front, an amazingly copious garden surrounding, but way too much pouring rain (& even big hail! In JULY!!) so far in between hot sun breaks...ïf u don´t like the weather, wait 5 minutes, but don´t get your hopes up that THAT will last either...!

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